2023/08/27 (Sun.)

The Essence of Rotary Instrumentation – Bassi Logic™ in General Practice


OrganizerThe Academy of EndodontologyRepublic of China (AEROC)

Co-organizerUniglife Biomed Co., Ltd 


Workshop Introduction

Time :  2023/08/27 09:00-10:30

Venue : NTUH International Convention Center Room 402D


Speaker : Dr. Alex W. K. Chan

Speaker Brief CV

  • Specialist in Endodontics, Hong Kong SAR
  • Honorary Clinical Associate Professor,
  • Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Hong Kong
  • BDS, MDS, MSc, FRACDS, MRACDS (Endodontics), FCDSHK (Endodontics), FHKAM (Dental Surgery), FDS RCSEd


-The Essence of Rotary Instrumentation – Bassi Logic in General Practice-

Endodontics as a discipline has offered patients the opportunity to maintain their natural teeth.  As the population expands and ages, the demand for endodontic therapy can be expected to increase as more patients seek dental treatment options to keep their teeth for a lifetime.


‘ENDO’ can be one of the most rewarding, predictable and profitable treatment a general dentist (GP) can do if done right.  New materials, techniques and instruments are entering the marketplace to assist dentists in providing patients with more predictable and reliable endodontic treatment. In addition, these new systems make the delivery of endodontic treatment more efficient.


This hands-on course will introduce the new advances in heat-treated nickel titanium (Controlled Memory) instruments (Bassi Logic™) and will guide you how to complete a root canal preparation with fewer instruments and less complication and complete the obturation with the ‘hydraulic condensation technique (bioceramic sealer)’.

A short presentation is prepared to give attendees a knowledge base for NiTi rotary use.  The attendees will subsequently be trained to use Bassi Logic™ System.  This nickel-titanium rotary system and its associated techniques are simple, efficient, predictable and readily transferrable to a clinical setting.


This hands-on course is intended for dentists who would like to take their endodontic skills to the next level on non-surgical root canal treatment.  This course is suitable for both current NiTi and first-time users.


Registration information 

  • If you have not registered for APEC, you cannot register for this course
  • The number of WORK SHOP applicants is limited to 36 people, free of charge and gifts
  • The content of the gift prepared for each  lecture is slightly different.
  • Get a giveaway if you take ONE class, and so on.


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