2023/08/27 (Sun.)

Management of Separated Instruments in Endosontic Practice



Organizer:The Academy of Endodontology,Republic of China (AE,ROC)

Co-organizer:Uniglife Biomed Co., Ltd 


Workshop Introduction

Time :  2023/08/27 14:00-15:00

Venue : NTUH International Convention Center Room 401


Speaker : Dr. Alex W. K. Chan

Speaker Brief CV

  • Specialist in Endodontics, Hong Kong SAR
  • Honorary Clinical Associate Professor,
  • Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Hong Kong
  • BDS, MDS, MSc, FRACDS, MRACDS (Endodontics), FCDSHK (Endodontics), FHKAM (Dental Surgery), FDS RCSEd


-Management of Separated Instruments in Endosontic Practice-

Successful endodontic treatment depends on a sequence of procedures which include shaping, cleaning and obturation of the root canal system. Procedural errors such as ledging, zipping, canal perforation and transportation can occur during root canal instrumentation. However, the separation (or  "fracture" ) of endodontic instrument is another problematic situation and the reported frequency rate for separated instruments during root canal procedure varies from 0.7% to 6% of cases.
When a file separates during root canal treatment, there are several treatment options available to the clinician. The definitive management should be based on a thorough knowledge of the success rates of each treatment option balanced against the potential risks of removal or file retention.
This presentation will discuss the causes, prevention and management of separated endodontic instruments in root canal treatment.